Sunday, November 23, 2008


So now that Barack Obama is going to be the first Black president, there are some other things that should be integrated. Here's my top 3

  1. The Rockettes. I have yet to see two consecutive years with Black Rockettes, or any other obviously non-white race or ethnicity for that matter.
  2. Food Network. Yes, I know that this one is random, but I'm a foodie who is addicted to watching food shows. There have been tokens, but not consistent representation by non-white chefs.
  3. Hockey. I can't say that watch it nor do I really enjoy the sport, but with if the Palin effect can cause non-athletic mothers to declare themselves hockey moms, and if Jamaica can have a bobsled team, then there can be more Black hockey players.

So will there be an Obama effect? Will this be an Obamanation? I don't know, but hopefully I'll be alive to see.

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