Being on CNN made this debate credible. But most of the responses to the questions were laughable. Inflated egos, records, statistics made for an amusing debate. They all tried to out conservative each other. It's too bad Anderson Cooper did not warn the candidates that the debate was a spin-free zone. Mr. Fantastic, er Mitt Romney tried to demoralize everyone from illegal aliens to the Guantanamo Bay detainees and even gays (well that wasn't surprising). There was nothing new in this debate.
Here's an ADHD rundown
- Huckabee sounded like a preacher - He tried to channel MLK's spirit into each response with his compassionate conservatist schtick. As a minister, if he felt that Jesus was too smart to become a politician, I guess we don't have to wonder how he feels about himself.
- Giuliani fabricated crime statistics and 'security' spending - Apparently fiscal austerity doesn't apply to tricking on his misses in the Hamptons. He said due to threats he needed 24 hour security. Either Donna Hanover was on that ass or Kucinich's aliens were trying to land the mothership on Giuliani's dome.
- Mitt Romney was a proud father of a gun-toting son - He gleefully announced that his son Josh had two guns. Romney wants to add waterboarding to the second amendment because it's well within our duties and rights as Americans-not torture.
- McCain just looked tired-Not that I'm vain, but he needs to demand no tight close-up shots in his appearance contracts. If the media cannot comply, maybe he should not attend the debates, we won't miss you Johnny! pRoMiSe.
... Just in case you were keeping score Tancredo won!

He was bold enough to do it and strong enough to be a hypocrite--hire illegal criminals for a quick fix
For more info on the debates read the rest here
i believe The republican debate had a very diverse range or opinions; although the questions asked were comical they were answered. election is a year away and all of the candidates(democrat or republican) will not get specific on there platform but will offer a frame of their beliefs to the voters. oh and tom tancredo never hired any illegal aliens
the debate was a serious joke. If not to differentiate themselves from one another, why debate?
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